Welcome to the magical Learning Kingdom!

Welcome to the Magical Learning Kingdom!

Once upon a time a teacher decided to share the most memorable and magical "tales" she could find. The teacher wanted to give special powers to her students to have a trully magical learning adventure. The teacher, Mrs. Paridon, has created this magic place for you to embark on an adventure in the Magical Learning Kingdom.

Monday, August 2, 2010


I have enjoyed this training very much. It has been a challenge in some tools but in the end it has been a very enriching experience. I feel that now I am eager to learn more about technology not only because that is real life and real ways to learn but also because I believe that my students will benefit with the use of different technology tools in my classroom.
My favorite tool is the image generators and mashups. I love Animoto and photo story 3. I would like to create a video of our new building to show the most important people and most important places we will go,as well as basic procedures and rules that take place at the beginning of the year.
I also enjoyed digital story telling and mobile technology and apps. I would like to buy new 4g technology IPhone right now. When I was exploring mobile technology and the apps I felt like if I were part of the Flinstone family! However, I feel that now I can go to a phone store and understand better what they are talking about and choose the best option.

Tool # 11: Didital Citizenship

The use of the Internet in the classrooms is unavoidable. It is imperative that we as teachers and adult watch over what our children are doing when accessing the Internet. what I would like my 1st grade students to understand about being a good citizen are basic points:
1. I will expose them to some products that you can get using the Internet such as the products that we create in our blog. I will introduce them to technology terms but in a very simple visual way.
2. I will teach them about safety: I will teach them that not every thing is appropriate and not everything is true. I will teach them that when they found something that they think or feel is not "good", stop and tell to an adult (teacher or parent)immediately. I will connect the children training about strangers with strangers online and how you should not share personal information with anybody.
3. I will make sure to teach them basics about what would be appropriate conduct when they communicate with other people. I would model for them appropriate etiquette and show many examples and I will also show some examples of not appropriate ways to communicate and ask them to think why my last examples are not correct ways to be good digital citizen.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Tool # 10: Exploring Mobile Technology and Apps

I do not have I touch or any other modern device more than my Ipod shuffle where I have been enjoying my favorite music. I have bought music from I-tunes and burning my own CD for my car and my house.. I like my Ipod because it is weightless and small. It is very easy to handle and to use.
Students can use the i-pod to listen to a story (in English and in Spanish), to review important information recorded for the teachers, to hear instructions again without disturbing other students. The students can use the Ipad and I touch to research, to read books and articles, to learn and expand vocabulary, to post comments in a blog, to share resources, to watch educational videos, to write and just to play an educative game.
Some of the apps that I think would be very useful for my students are:
ICanWrite, Etch A Sketch, ComicTouch, Stanza, Wordpress, KuGon, Google Earth, Poptiq, Book Shelf, Ifbyphone, WeDic, TouchType and Dexy.
I need to go to the store to play with one of these techs. I will share with you later.....

Tool #9:Sharing information through Jing and Skype

I have been using Skype to video conferring with my family in Germany and Colombia. The connection is very good. You can talk as much as you want and see the other person like if you were there with them. It is free. I think the students can benefit with Skye because they can share their learning and experiences as well as their personal experiences with other students around the world. We, as a classroom can share activities with students from other schools, states and countries and learn from each other.
I did not know about Jing, but I did a sample. It is very nice because sometimes you want to show the image of something to the person that is chatting to you and with Jing is instantly. Jing is a very friendly program.e tools and is very friendly. My students can share resources, research, and products when they are doing a projects with out having to get physically together, they can work outside of the classroom or in the classroom independently.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Tool#8: Video Resources

Videos are powerful resources in the classroom because they are engaging, and innovative ways to present information. The students love to watch videos and disscuss after the videos what they have learned, questions that they have and they can realte the videos with their background information and real life.

Frog life cycle

Tool # 7 Digital Story Telling

I love the Photo Story program. I did not know that I have it. I really enjoyed creating the photo story. I think my students can create photo stories as a journal every time we finish a theme. The students can share what they have learned and show pictures of what they have done.I think could be really good for science projects.

Tool # 6: Wiki

Wiki seems to be a great tool not only for the students but also for our teams. Wikis will increase student's and team's connection, creativity, collaboration. consensus and compromise. We will need to develop true teamwork skills with our students and colleagues. I've got two ideas of how to use a wiki: to create continuing stories and an online mini writer workshop.I would like to create a wiki right now. I will share it when I learn how and have it ready!